26 June 2020

Belly X-ray in day 51

What is inside the big belly?

Day 51

Today we went for the X-ray 
to try and find out 
how many Saluki babies we are expecting.

Well it is not easy to count them, they are many in a tiny place!

X-ray doesn’t let you know gender or color.
But now we know there will be maybe 8-10 babies.


How many can you find?

Serious enquiries are welcome.

24 June 2020

Day 49


Pregnancy day 49!
Last day of week 7.

It is getting harder to move now.
And still we must wait for two weeks.

It is crowded in there!
Many small paws kicking out here and there ❤️

They should have their fur already!

We have close to 30 degrees now.
Too hot for Mama Grace.
She prefers the kitchen floor.

19 June 2020


Day 44 and we can surely see there are puppies on the way!


How many puppies can there be? 

And what will the color palette be?

Still have to wait 2-3 weeks to know!

05 June 2020

We will have puppies in July 2020!

It is confirmed! 
We are expecting puppies 
in the beginning of July 
Grace and Caspian

More about it here!