Achievements in 2018
2018 was an extremely hot Summer!
Caspian was 3 years old and we visited Sweden 3 times;
Vännäs, Piteå/Råneå and Vilsta/Strömsholm.
All went very well and Caspian got BOB and BOS placements and became Swedish Champion.
In Finland we only made a few shows
and still managed to take placements on the lists of the Finnish Saluki Club.
Thank you judges!
11.11.2018 Jyväskylä International Show, Judge Francesco Cochetti, Italy
Champion Class EXC1 CQ BD1 CACIB BOB BOG2
Photo: Salla Kuikka
10.11.2018 Jyväskylä Nordic Show, judge Bjørg Foss, Norway
Champion Class EXC2 CQ BD3
Photo: Ari Lehtiö
29.7.2018 Sighthound Speciality Strömsholm, Sweden.
Judges Helen Winski Stein & Robert Stein, USA
BOS Soheil Nour Caspian Al Bhazim
BOB Qirmizi Rivendelle
Photo: Essi Paloma
14.7.2018 Piteå, Sweden. Judge Phil Thompson, Australia
Soheil Nour Caspian Al Bhazim EXC-1 CQ, BD-1 CACIB CAC
BOB and new Swedish Champion
BOS Major's Golden Sandie
Photo: Heidi Söderling
7.7.2018 Rusko, Finnish Sighthound Speciality Show.
Judge Andre van den Broek (NL)
Champion Class EXC-2 CQ, BD-3
Photo: Marika Aaltonen
17.6.2018 Vännäs, Sweden, Sighthound Show. Judge Anette Bystrup, Denmark.
Champion Class EXC 2 CQ BD3 res-CAC
Photo: Birgitta Jansson
16.6.2018 Vännäs All Breeds Show. Judge Kristin Kerem, Estonia.
Champion Class EXC 2 CQ
15.6.2018 Vännäs SalukiRingens 50-års jubileums inofficiella Salukiutställning.
Judge Flo Marko, Austria. Champion Class EXC 4 HP
9.6.2018 Finnish Saluki Speciality. Judge Maria Nordin, Sweden (Badavie salukis)
Caspian Champion Class EXC-4, CQ
Photo: Sanni Mäkelä
15.4.2018 Vaasa IDS. Judge Eva Nielsen
CH Soheil Nour Caspian Al Bhazim BOB
Soheil Nour Deena Daneen BOS
Photo: Ethel Henriksson