Caspian's achievements in 2017

Achievements in 2016

What a year it has been! 
Thanks to all judges and friends! 
We have met so many lovely friends, new and old, going to shows and coursing. 

The Finnish Saluki Club has announced the annual Saluki of the Years lists. 
So proud of Caspian! 
Photos by TiiaP, & HarriN

4.10.2017 Jyväskylä IDS, judge Tino Pehar
Photo: Salla Kuikka

10.9.2017 Muurame Group Show. Judge Guy Jeavons, Canada.
Caspian Champion Class EXC-1 CQ, BD-1, BOS
BOB Desierto Belleza Hyperborea Divina
Photo: Salla Kuikka

5.8.2017 Helsinki Sighthoundshow. Judge Anne McDonald GB.
Caspian Champion Class EXC 3 CQ
Photo: Tiia Pesonen

15-16.7.2017 Oulu IDS, Finland.
Saturday BD3, Castro Catarina
Sunday EXC, Mijatovic Jadranka
Photo: Krista Nukari

17.6.2017 Kotka IDS Judge Colm Hastings, Ireland
Soheil Nour Caspian Al Bhazim BOB, CACIB
Zarabis Qesarah BOS, CACIB
Photo: Ansun kuvat & Satu Kuukka

11.6.2017 Saluki Show Helsinki, Finland.
Judge Cathy Smith, Australia (Catonam Kennel)
Caspian Class Winner (of 9) and BOS in Working Class
He also qualified in competing for Best Movements and Best Head.
Photo: Tiia Pesonen

4.6.2017 Lure Coursing in Lumijoki
459p, 7/17 and LC CAC!

26-28.5.2017 Moletai Lithuania:
Lithuanian Champion
International Champion
Baltic Winner 2017
Crufts Qualification
BIS-3 in Sighthound Speciality
Lithuanian Sighthound Club Winner 2017
Moletai Cup Winner 2017

27.5.2017 Moletai Lithuania, IDS Baltic Winner 2017
Judge Michael Hill Canada
Baltic Winner 2017 & Crufts Qualification;
BOB CACIB, CIB, Soheil Nour Caspian Al Bhazim
BOS Amasoneland's Anitras Dans
Photo: Kirsi Parviainen

28.5.2017 IDS Moletai Cup 2017
Judge; Vija Klucniece, Latvia
BOB, CACIB, CAC, Moletai Cup Winner-17 Soheil Nour Caspian Al Bhazim
BOS Desierto Belleza Joya Eleganz
Photo: Mira Kinnunen

26.5.2017 Moletai, Lithuania Sighthound Speciality
Judge; Janusz Opara, Poland
BIS-3, BOB, CAC Soheil Nour Caspian Al Bhazim
Photo: Chartbeat Sighthounds

30.4.2017 Talsi, Latvia. 
Champion Class EXC-1, CQ, BD-1, BOB, BIG-1
Breed judge Ratibor Rale Cecic, Serbia
Group judge Galina Pozniakova, Belarus
Photo: Alex

29.4.2017 Talsi Latvia.
Champion Class EXC-1, BD-1, BOB, CAC, BIG-3, new Latvian Show Champion
Breed judge Galina Pozniakova, Belarus
Group judge Ratibor Rale Cecic, Serbia
Photo: Katri Heikkinen

8.4.2017 Vaasa INT, Säde Hohteri. 
Caspian BD-3
Photo: Marika Aaltonen

21.1.2017 Turku IDS. Judge Tamas Jakkel, Hungary, 57 Salukis
BOS Soheil Nour Caspian Al Bhazim 
Caspian is a new Finnish and Russian Champion!
BOB Aziz Qismah